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Jubilee Themed Jumbo Braids

Jumbo braiding hair is a great way to add creativity to your hair styling, especially with a theme to work with! Here is our step-by-step guide on how we created Jubilee themed braids using our jumbo braiding hair; however, the same idea can be applied to any theme, for example, Christmas, Festival, Valentines, Fancy dress, the list is endless. We used three jumbo braid colours for our jubilee look: our Dark Pink and Tinsel, Teal and Tinsel, and our Grey and Rainbow Tinsel.

Step 1: Prep your Jumbo braiding hair. You will need to divide a jumbo braid into two pieces and then divide each half into four parts, starting small and getting progressively bigger. For our look, we are using three different braid colours. We began by taking a third of each braid to create a jumbo braid equal size to one full jumbo braid before dividing it up. Once you have each section, place a bobby pin in the centre of each piece, and put it in an area within reaching distance.

Step 2:  Begin by parting your client's hair through the middle and to the nape of the neck.

Step 3:  Take a small amount of glitter base gel and apply it around the hairline. This will smooth any flyaways and make the hair much easier to handle.

Step 4: Begin your dutch braid, complete two full transitions before inserting your smallest piece of the jumbo braid by pushing the bobby pin into the braid's base to the other side. Place each side of the jumbo braid, so it pairs with each outer piece of your braid, and then continue to braid as normal. For added security, you can ask your client to keep hold of the bobby pin as you begin to braid with the jumbo hair in place.

Step 5: Complete 2-3 transitions and repeat this process with your second smallest hairpiece. Secure at the base with a clear elastic. Repeat this process until you have added all four pieces of jumbo braid and have reached the nape of the neck.

Step 6: Around 2 inches below the base of your braid, secure another clear elastic and pull the hair between the two elastics outwards to create a bubble effect.

Step 7: Repeat this bubble process to the base of your braiding hair.

Step 8: Repeat the entire process on the opposite side.

Step 9: Trim the bottom of the braids so that the ends are neat and look symmetrical.

Step 10:  Go back through the hair and remove any visible bobby pins. If there are some bobby pins you can't reach, leave these in place as they will not be noticeable and will add structure and security to the braid.