What To Post On Your Hair Extension Instagram Account
Once you’ve set up your account and got to grips with the basics, it’s time to think about what to post on your new account. The best way to think about your Instagram account, is that it’s a portfolio for your best work. This is how customers will find you, connect with you and decide whether they like your style, so it’s important it reflects the best version of you and your work.
Personalising Your Instagram Account
How personal do you want to make it? This is one of the first questions you need to ask yourself, will you feature on the page, will you be the voice of it? Or would you prefer to keep it less personal and more professional, these are all good decisions to make before you start posting. Whatever you decide, your first few posts should be about your services, what you offer and if you have any great pics of your work already, go ahead and upload them too!
What to post and what not to post
In all, it is totally up to you what you decide to post on your Instagram account however, it’s important that the resolution is high, and they’re good quality pictures. Grainy, ‘difficult to see’ images will not showcase your work well, it will give the impression that you haven’t paid attention to detail which isn’t what potential customers are looking for. It may also be worth considering how you wish to edit your pictures and what filters you’d like to add etc. At SimplyHair, the images we choose to post and repost from our customers are always very clean, clear and minimalistic, so our followers can view the hair clearly without any distractions. We personally would avoid adding text/frames/borders to images as they can distract from your work and will most likely look a little messy.
Planning Your Content
When planning your upcoming posts, it’s important to think about what your current clients or potential clients would like to see? What are you comfortable with sharing? If you feel that your clients follow you on Instagram because they love you as a person and want to see more of your life behind the chair, it might be worth considering posting a little more about yourself, your daily schedule and sneak peaks of your upcoming projects. If however, you prefer to keep yourself/personal profile separate from your business, it is perfectly acceptable to run a successful and inspirational instagram page without you being the face of it.
One of the most important points however, when planning your upcoming content, is that it’s regular. If, for example, a potential customer comes across your account and you haven’t posted in months, they may assume that you are no longer active and therefore will most likely move on to someone else. However, a page that is filled with activity, will show your customers that you’re open, busy and will likely motivate them to contact you. Another great way of keeping your account looking active, as well as posting on your feed, is by posting on your Insta Stories (click to read our article on What To Post On Your Instagram Stories).

Creating Your Instagram Theme
Creating your instagram theme is the fun part, now you’ve already established what sort of content you’d like to post, you can now pick a theme for your feed. Choosing a theme is a great way to make your page look professional, whether this is by adding flecks of colour (we love to add in an image that has a hint of lilac every now and then) or by picking a style of photography, like photographing clients on a specific backdrop for example.
Whether you’re a mobile hairdresser or working in a salon, the background of your client transformations are important, it can be very distracting and a shame if you go to the effort of taking a gorgeous transformation pic, which is ruined by a messy salon in the background or an untidy bedroom or living room (if you’re mobile). One solution that has been a ‘holy grail’ product for some of our customers has been to use a roller banner, this is a great way to hide a multitude of sins and keep your page looking professional, crisp and consistent. A great example of a salon page that does this well is DryBar.
How To Use Hashtags Effectively
Once you have taken your photo, edited and uploaded it to Instagram, it’s then time to add your hashtags. Hashtags are one key element that you mustn’t forget when posting on Instagram if you would like to grow your following or have your page seen by potential clients.
You might be wondering where to put your hashtags? As hashtags can either be added in the caption or added as a comment, this confuses many, as some think they mean different things however, where you put your hashtags doesn’t make a difference, it’s just down to preference on how you prefer to hide them. We personally pop them in the comments section as this makes our captions a lot snappier for our followers and avoids wasting their time.
Many people aren’t aware, but you can actually add up to 30 hashtags per post, and we highly recommend you use them all. If you run out of ideas on what to hashtag, take a look at other hair inspired instagram accounts and you will quickly be inspired by all the different variations of hair hashtags that are available. A few examples however are #hairextensions #hairextensionskent (wherever you’re based) #hairgoals #beautifulhair #hairinspo.