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Nail/U Tip Slippage – Causes and Solutions For Your Clients

When it comes to fitting hair extensions, unfortunately there is no one size fits all method, and therefore each and every client you come across will have a unique head of hair, which will require your professional experience to work out which method is most suitable for the client. Once you have decided on a method with your client, from time to time problems can still crop up post fitting which will need to be addressed. This is not something to worry about, and is a normal process when working with a product such as hair extensions, however it is important that you understand all of the issues that could occur to allow you to deal with it effectively, keeping your client happy and continuing to grow your business successfully. Slowly throughout your time as a professional extensionist you will encounter common problems such as hair extension slippage, and as each issue is resolved you will become very a knowledgeable extensionist who has seen it all, and can confidently deal with any issue that could arise. One such issue is hair extension slippage, and in particular we will be focusing on nail tip/u tip slippage for this particular article.

What Is Hair Extension Slippage?

Slippage is a term used within the hair extension industry to describe when the bonds slip down the hair after they have been fitted and come loose. This term is generally used to describe when newly fitted hair extensions slide out of the hair, and this can affect any method of application. As nail tip hair extensions are fused to the hair with a glue like substance, they are often least affected by issues such as slippage, however from time to time this can occur, and there are a number of different causes for this. Looking for advice on micro ring slippage or nano ring slippage?

Why Does Hair Externsions Slippage Occur?

There are a number of reasons why your hair extensions or a client’s hair extensions are not holding onto the hair, and here we shall outline the key factors to help resolve and prevent the issue occurring again in the future.

Nail Tip Hair Extensions Require The Correct Aftercare Products

One of the most common and well known causes of nail tip hair extension slippage is the incorrect use of aftercare products. All hair extensions should be washed using products that have been specifically designed for the use with hair extensions, to ensure that the product does not affect the bonds. You must be using a hair extension shampoo and conditioner, as this will ensure the bonds are cared for correctly. Using incorrect products can result in the hair extensions gradually slipping out as the bond loosens its grip around the hair, or can cause the bonds to become soft and sticky which is unpleasant for the wearer.

Incorrect Hair Extension Bond Sealing

Another very common contributor to the slipping of nail tip hair extensions is incorrect sealing. When a nail tip hair extensions is heated and fused to the hair, if a tight seal is not created around the hair shaft this will allow water, hair products and natural oils to work their way into the bond, slowly loosening it until it comes free. If the bond is not sealed correctly slippage will be inevitable, which is why it is very important to ensure this is done correctly. In order to prevent this from occurring there are a number of different precautions which can be taken to reduce the frequency of this type of issue. Firstly, you must always ensure that the correct level of heat has been applied to the keratin to melt it sufficiently. SimplyHair nail tip hair extensions are made from high grade Italian keratin which is very strong, therefore needs to be melted for slightly longer than cheaper Chinese versions to ensure it is softened and melted fully. If you have found any of your extensions to be slipping this may have been the cause, and leaving the heat on for a couple of seconds longer will make a world of difference. In addition to this you must ensure that the bond is tightened when rolling to form a secure bond. The hair extension bond should be firm to touch, and not have any give or ability to be squashed, as this means there is air trapped in the bond and therefore it has not been sealed as tightly as it could be. If you find that a hair extension bond you have sealed does not feel tight enough, simply take your heat connector and reheat the keratin to enable you to re-roll again.

Incorrect Pre-Hair Extension Fitting Preparation

Before hair extensions are fitted it is essential that the natural hair of your client has been prepared correctly. The hair must have been washed using shampoo only, and where possible a clarifying shampoo. Under no circumstances should the hair be conditioned, and absolutely no styling products, in particular oils or serums. Applying conditioners and products to the hair before the fitting can prevent the seal from forming correctly and can leave a residue within the bond. Using a shampoo only or clarifying shampoo will remove all product from the hair to stop this scenario arising. If your client has gone against your advice you should not apply the extensions until the hair has been prepared correctly, however if you find out post fitting that this has occurred despite your advice, you will need to explain in detail to your client why the slippage is occurring, and that due to the cause there is very little you can do to correct this aside from starting again, therefore it is so important that you highlight the significance of preparing the hair correctly to your client to minimise this type of issue arising. Looking for hair extension consultation forms to help with your pre-fitting preparation?

Wrong Hair Type For Nail Tip Hair Extension Fitting

In addition to the incorrect preparation of hair before the fitting, another element to consider is the client’s natural hair type. If the hair is naturally very oily, this may make nail tip hair extensions unsuitable for this client. It is rare that an oily hair type would make nail tip hair extensions unsuitable as they certainly wouldn't be a candidate for micro ring hair extensions either, however in extreme circumstances if a client’s hair is extremely oily you may wish to advise them of the possible limitations beforehand to make them fully aware of the commitment they are taking on. With very oily hair you would need to advise the client before the fitting that this can cause slippage, which may result in them needing more frequent hair extensions maintenance appointments. If the client agrees and if happy with this it would be very beneficial to secure this in writing to prevent any future issues relating to slippage or maintenance appointments. By being aware of the potential issues that can arise when working with nail tip hair extensions you will now be able to successfully identify these issues beforehand to reduce the occurrences in your clients, and with this knowledge and experience you will have the tools to leave your clients happy with the service you provide, and allowing your business to grow successfully.