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How To Dry Your Hair Extensions

Drying your hair extensions is an important part of your daily aftercare routine, and it is therefore essential that you understand how to dry your hair extensions properly to keep them in perfect condition. The advice for drying hair extensions varies depending on the method you have installed, so to help keep things clear we will firstly discuss micro ring hair extensions and nano ring hair extensions, and then move on to the prebonded glue method which will have a few aspects which vary.

Drying Your Micro Ring Or Nano Ring Hair Extensions Correctly

The great thing about micro ring hair extensions and nano ring hair extensions is that due to the fitting type, it is possible to partly air dry the hair extensions, meaning you do not have to fully blow dry your hair each and every time you wash it. If you choose to air dry your hair, firstly you should gently detangle your wet hair using a hair extension hair brush. Once you have detangled the hair, run your fingers across each of the bonds to make sure none have tangled together during washing, and if they have, gently pull the bonds back apart. To learn more about caring for your hair extension bonds click the link. Once your hair is fully detangled, we would recommend using a hair oil to condition the hair, paying special attention not to apply to the roots, only the mid lengths to ends. Once the oil has been applied you are good to go, and can leave your hair to dry naturally throughout the day until you are ready to style it. It is very important to remember that whilst it is absolutely fine to air dry your hair, you must not under any circumstances sleep with your hair extensions wet or damp. This can cause your hair to tangle and matt, therefore you must always ensure that you allow enough time for your hair to dry properly before you sleep, finishing off with a blow dryer if required. If you choose to blow dry your hair, try to leave the hair to air-dry slightly before blow-drying, as this will take less time and be less damaging on the hair. To learn more about using heated tools on your hair extensions click the link. Use your hair dryer on the lowest heat setting, and gently dry your hair, working your way from the ends to the roots in a way that suits you. Once you hair is fully dry, run your finger through your hair again, separating the bonds to ensure the hair dryer has not caused the bonds to tangle.

How To Dry Prebonded Glue Hair Extensions Correctly

If you have prebonded glue hair extensions the advice for drying your hair is very similar to the micro ring and nano ring hair extensions, with a few small changes. Firstly, unlike micro ring hair extensions you will not be able to air dry your hair extensions, as this can cause the bonds to become soft and tacky if left damp for too long. You will need to dry your hair extensions relatively soon after you have washed them, however can still follow all of the advice above regarding brushing your hair extensions after the shower, separating the bonds and applying a hair oil. With prebonded glue extensions you will also need to ensure your hair dryer is not directed towards the bonds for long periods of time, as the heat can cause the glue to begin to melt. Using the lowest setting or even a cool setting on your bonds is best practise here.

Try To Limit The Frequency You Wash And Dry Your Hair Extensions

Washing and drying your hair is considered a styling activity, therefore the less you do this the better condition your hair will stay. We would recommend limiting your hair washing to 2-3 times a week, and air drying wherever possible (micro ring/nano ring only). It is worth investing in the products you will need to keep your hair extensions beautiful beforehand so that you have everything you need when it comes to washing and drying including hair extension shampoo and conditioner, hair oils, a hair extension brush, and a hair dryer with multiple heat settings. Check out our hair extension aftercare set here. By following these simple steps drying your hair extensions should be simple and easy, and you will be surprised at how quickly you adapt to this new way of caring for your hair and hair extensions.

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